Women in ancient Rome had limited public role so they could not vote or hold political office. Womens are named less than men. Lucretia and claudia quinta were the two womens who left a mark on history.




                We learned about aeneid. He go to under world to see his dad and other dead people in the underworld. Sybil the prophet, helped him to reach the underworld.
                I think its kind of weird when aeneid go to the underworld to see his future and the dead people.
Hi my name is christy.i am a senior. I moved from india 2 years ago. I really miss my family, friends in india. my hobbies are sleeping, cooking, listening to songs, dancing. I live with  my parents. I have 1 sister. After high school I am planning to go to collage. I want to be a nurse practicner.


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    November 2013

